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Crime Response Team

Helping you and your business

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Assess Your Risks

Your business is your pride and joy. It pays for your essentials and your luxuries, provides you with a home and is the result of years of hard work. This can be damaged or even destroyed by the acts of criminals so you need to ask yourself if you are being complacent in any areas. If you are, then a criminal will take advantage of this and could bring an end to your hard work.

Carrying out a crime risk assessment will help you to sleep better at night! You should look at every aspect of your business, from your premises and tools to your staff and IT. All are susceptible to the impact of crime and you should mitigate against this aspect wherever possible. It may require an initial investment but you need to protect the golden goose!

Here are some things you should consider:

The Premises
The Premises
Security Camera Video Surveillance
Theft by Staff
Security Camera Video Surveillance
Theft by Staff
Guarding Your Tools
Guarding Your Tools
Cyber Crime
Cyber Crime

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We are here to assist. Contact us by phone or email.

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